-Virtual tour of the exterior of the Former Maebou family residence-
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The former Maebou family residence was located in the temple town of Yoshinoyama, Yoshino-cho, Yoshino District, in the central part of Nara Prefecture. It stood along the approach between the Nio-mon gate and the copper torii gate of Kinpusenji Temple. The Maebou family is said to have served as priests of the Yoshino Mikumari shrine for generations
MapBefore relocation, distant viewMain house before relocationMain house before relocation
The roof of the former Maebou family residence is thatched with cedar bark. Cedar bark was once a common roofing material throughout the country, but was particularly easy to access in the Yoshino Mountains area, where forestry is a thriving industry.
Main house before deconstructionMain house before deconstruction
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The use of cedar timber for external walls is common throughout the country. The reason for using burnt cedar is to protect it from the elements such as wind and rain.
The corridor and detached roomCompletionCompletion